I absolutely received so much healing, knowledge of myself and how to utilize the gifts that God has given me to recreate the person I was created to be. I will forever be in a healing process, but I absolutely know that TODAY I have grown so much and I am not the person I was 10 years ago or even yesterday, I am absolutely amazing in every way, I am better for our Lord and Savior, myself, my children, and my soul mate, and it started with Browniesha Blackman FreeHer mentoring and TransformUrLyfe coaching & consulting.
~ Michelle
Being on my phone call with Browniesha was like no other motivational call. The nuggets that she's able to give you, shows that she is much more than a creative individual. That would be an understatement, she is most definitely a MASTERMIND, THAT SHE IS!
I attended the "Dear Dad" Conference. The conference was awesome! I felt like listening to the authors gave me confirmation that I am definitely in the healing process with my father. After reading the book and actually getting the inside of how they felt after writing that letter was a beautiful feeling. To be relieved that they got that weight off their hearts. I really felt each one at heart on the things they shared. What stuck out the most is that even though they were affected in life they all chose to be better parents than what the grew up around. I loved the whole conference.